However, its use cannot be extended further. It leads, using a top-down ap proach, to a precise functional description of the required system. Many tools exist to support the functional specification of manufactur ing systems. The preliminary design phase includes, but is not limited to, the func tional specification, and the evaluation of the system. This is the reason why designers are trying to improve the preliminary design phase, also known as the 'paper study phase'.

As a consequence, implementation and running costs of modem manufacturing systems are drastically increasing, whereas their fields of application remain limited, and every day become even narrower, which increases the risk of early obsolescence. These trends require highly automated manufacturing systems with small set-up times and high flex ibility. Production is moving towards sophisticated high qUality products, economy of scale has been replaced by economy of scope, jerky demands are progressively replacing steady demands, and competi tiveness is becoming a worldwide phenomenon. Silva Significant changes have been occurring in industrialized countries since the Second World War.